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Confession: Why Travelling over Wedding Planning!

We believe that everyone has the right to live their dream life. We feel that experiences are much more important than having material objects. Our wedding is important to us, but we're more focused about being around people we love, rather than having the perfect setting on the gateaux table. We'd rather spend our time and money on experiences because in the end that's what we'll remember, and be proud of. It's not about the dress that I wore during the wedding, or the how expensive the rental cars are, but it's the memories from the day (and night) that we'll remember.

Wedding planning is important, but if it's the major topic of conversation for a whole year, it would get heavy. And all the pressure for a year will be boiled down to 1 single day. The Wedding Day. That's too much focus on 10 hours. So many things can go not as planned. People might not follow the dress-code, we might have wedding-crashers. It might rain. Everything might happen, what's most important is for us is not to be too tied to what we think is perfect. We want to let our love guide us into having an amazing wedding, without having to plan too much. Anything that happens will be fun and act as a demonstration of love.

We both didn't like our professional trajectory, and since we are going to get married next year, we are bound to start living a life together. So we might as well re-start together. A new life together from scratch, it's up to us to make it a great one, one that will realise our dreams.

Travelling, which is exploring new places and it's people, gives you the opportunity to reflect on what you want to be, and what you want to have. Through our journey, we will keep on searching for a common vision that we want our relationship to have. We don't want to get married just because (almost) everyone at some stage gets married. We want to get married because we want to share our lives together, and if that's the case, then we want to share an awesome life.

Image Credit: M Antoinette Grima

So, if you asked us - "Travelling vs. Wedding Planning", the answer is really simple. Travel.

If you had the opportunity to travel would you? We are not ditching our wedding plans, we're simply not giving it all of our attention. Our Top 1 Priority is our love and in adventures to grow our relationship.

Travelling 24/7 together for 9 months before the wedding will help so much in our relationship, we believe it will:

  • make us stronger as a couple

  • we'll learn more about each other

  • unite in times of downs

  • cherish the good adventures

In reality before we decided to quit and travel we had already booked the main things. The church, the venue, caterer and band. As for the minor things we will juggle them along the way, or just 2 months before when we arrive back home for the wedding. Or whenever. The major things that are needed for the wedding to 'work' will surely be there on the wedding day. It's like when we're packing our backpacks - we think of everything that we need to place in 65 liters of space, but ultimately we say that we are 'prepared enough', do our final checks - 'passports, money, and ourselves' if we have those 3 main things we'll be fine. Same goes for our wedding planning. We will think about the font that we will use on the invitations, and eventually decide. But these are small decisions that whether taken with hundreds of hours of logical deliberation, or with no input whatsoever by the brides, a decision will still be taken and no one will really care about it during the wedding day. During the wedding day, what really, really matters is that we'd have given our vows to each other, surrounded by friends and family. For that, not much planning is needed.

It's not easy to leave everything behind and follow your dream, I get that. I told Luke he was crazy when he suggested it at first. But you shouldn't be trapped in society's way of life, living your dreams is what you deserve and nothing should stop you. not even our wedding plans!

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