Confession: Why Travelling over Wedding Planning!
We believe that everyone has the right to live their dream life. We feel that experiences are much more important than having material...

Travel Tools to help you plan and get oriented when on vacation
Going on vacation gives you to experience the wonders of the world, but requires some serious planning. So, to help you out we have...

Tools to help you save Money & Time before going on vacation
Travelling is adventure. When going on vacation, there are so many new things that happen every day. Your comfort zone is constantly...

The wonders of the Blue Eye spring in Albania
I heard waters running from a distance, as I crossed the wooden bridge and I was mesmerised by what stood in front of me. Crystal clear...

From Seeds to Coffee: How first class Colombian Coffee is made
It’s impossible to avoid the coffee topic when in Colombia. Coffee is their pride and they make it very hard not to notice, as you can...

All you need to know about Comino in Malta | Europe
Being Maltese I am proud to write blogs about my island, and who else would have the exact details of Comino but someone Maltese and who...

13 things to Do & See in Salento | Colombia
Salento is a beautiful village surrounded by eye-catching scenery and is one of the oldest town in Qunidio. This Town main relies of...

All you need to know about San Juan Beach in PNN Tyrona Park | Colombia
Looking out of the mirador, a cottage-like structure, standing high-up on a sandy peninsula and surrounded by large rocks, smelling the...

Guatape | Colombia
Walking along the cobbled stone street, surrounded by vibrantly coloured facades and square, I realised why Guatape was selected as one...

An Inside Story with an ex-Police Commander Survivor during Pablo Escobar’s time | Medellin
Knowing that the locals in Colombia hated Pablo Escobar made us doubt if we wanted to go on the Pablo Escobar tour. But we were too...